Vision & Mission



To provide vibrant forum for quality education, adaptive to the changes from the development of the child and to expose him / her to a wide spectrum of co-curricular learning in order to face today’s challenging world,
The Children are exposed to the rich Indian cultural & spiritual heritage.


“Tumso Ma Jyotirgamay” – Leading from darkness to light.

Our philosophy

Vedant encompasses teaching methodology involving complete interaction where children are    encouraged  to collaborate and help each other. Our focus is student centered and to give personalized learning to  every student in a respectful environment. The curriculum is structured keeping in mind the interacts and   abilities of students with emphasis on the all around development. This pushes our students to become  informed participants in local and global affairs and develop a sense of shared humanity to truly   become   citizens of the world.

Our ethos is student centered and personalizes learning for every student in a respectful environment.

Vedant creates a happy and conducive learning environment. We believe that to stimulate the interest of  the children in any subject, it is important to foster curiosity about the subject.

            We encourage team work, independent thinking and problem solving responsibility of action and  decision making.

            Vedant strongly believes that Education must prepare the students for life, not just the work force.